Homemade Easter Gingerbread Houses

     A couple of weeks ago my mom and I were in the "crafty" mood. So we asked ourselves, "What should we make?" Then, after thinking for several minutes, my mom remembered something. During Christmas time, a family friend always makes multiple mini Gingerbread houses. They usually buy a kit, and decorate them as if they were a tiny, candy-filled village. So my mom had the idea of making those, but instead of being Christmas-themed, they would be Easter-themed. 
     I LOVED the idea, so we looked everywhere online. We looked on Jo Ann's (the best craft supply store EVER), Michael's and Amazon, but every place was out of stock. So we decided to make them ourselves.

     We searched through our colossal pantry for graham crackers, packaged frosting, and candy, such as smarties, sixlets, sprinkles and other small, pastel-colored sweets.
     Then, we gathered all of our supplies, and went to work. We put the Royal Icing in a piping bag, and piped it onto the graham crackers. We held them together until they were stable enough to stand up on their own. 
     The best part was decorating the mini houses. We would make little windows, doors and cute roofs using fondant, icing, stale sunflower seeds and more, much more. 
     Eventually, after putting our nose to the grindstone (or should I say frosting) for an hour or so, my mom and I decided to step away, far away from the growing town of tiny candy houses. We went on a walk, which was kind of unusual for anybody to do this winter, with the depressing weather. But that day was different, it was actually, wait for it... SUNNY!! WHAT?!?! It was one of the first days of 2017 where it hadn't seemed like the sun had packed it's bags and left our universe. 
     So we walked down the yellow brick road to Oz. Well, it was more like a grey cement sidewalk to a massive mess we had left home. After walking around the park with our golden retriever dog, Bailey, we returned home. When we got there, we barely recognized it. With the hardening frosting, Jimmies sprinkles and broken gingerbread crackers, our kitchen looked like a volcano after it had exploded.
     So after we added the final details to the small town, we assembled them on a tray, creating a new town named Easter Gingerbreadia.

     By the way, if you make these, you may want to decorate each of the walls/roofs before you put them together, so the house won't collapse when you design them. But if not, that's A OK, since we always forgot to!!




  • Royal Icing or purchased icing
  • Piping bag (optional)
  • Graham Crackers
  • Any candy (to decorate the houses with)
  • Fondant (optional)
  • Any other ideas you think of! Whether it's fruit, flowers, or even something stale you find in the pantry! Be CREATIVE!!😄💮🐔☀☼


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